How to Become an Au Pair Abroad: A Filipino’s Guide
Kimverly Ojoylan
- 08 May, 2024

For many young Filipinos, the dream of venturing abroad is laden with the promise of adventure, valuable work experience, and cultural exchange. One way to combine all these desires is by becoming an au pair, a unique work opportunity wherein you immerse yourself in another family’s daily life, caring for their children and experiencing a brand new culture. Here is a guide tailored for au pair hopefuls from the Philippines, ready to take on the world one child at a time.
Research Your Au Pair Destinations
The first step in your au pair abroad journey is researching your destination, as different countries offer unique au pair programs with varying benefits and requirements. Consider factors like cultural fit, language proficiency, cost of living, and the experiences you wish to gain. Whether you’re drawn to the charming cobblestone streets of Europe or the vibrant neighborhoods of Asia, each location presents its own appeal and learning opportunities. For Filipino au pairs, countries like Denmark, the Netherlands, and Germany are popular choices, known for their well-structured programs and welcoming environments for Filipinos.
Gather Your Documents and Certifications
To secure an au pair position, you’ll need specific documents and certifications. A valid passport is essential, along with a clean criminal record and often a medical certificate. At the heart of your application is your childcare resume, detailing your experience and skills with children. References from previous employers or community leaders can enhance your credibility, while language proficiency certificates or caregiver course qualifications can improve your placement options and stipend. Begin gathering these documents early to ensure a smooth application process.
Partner with a Reputable Au Pair Agency
Navigating the au pair journey can be challenging, particularly with visa applications and language barriers, so it’s helpful to work with a reputable au pair agency. Agencies offer insights into cultural expectations, assist in matching you with host families that align with your values, and handle travel logistics. Emerging online platforms are also viable, but make sure any organization you choose is transparent, has a track record of successful placements, and provides support for your transition into your new role and life.
Prepare for Cultural Adjustment
Prepare for cultural adjustments by learning the local customs and basic phrases in your host country’s language. Familiarize yourself with etiquette around meals, interactions with seniors, and religious practices you may encounter. Seek community support through social media platforms, local classes, and cultural events. While embracing your new environment, stay connected to your roots by sharing stories with fellow expats over kakanin, all while giving your best effort to understand and integrate into your new surroundings.
Maintain Safety and Open Communication
Strong communication skills are essential during your au pair experience. Set clear expectations with your host family regarding work hours, free time, and ensure your living arrangements are comfortable with access to medical care if needed. In emergencies or moments of uncertainty, know who to contact at your agency or within your support network. Regular check-ins with family and friends provide grounding and reassurance for your safety. Remember, open communication helps transform cultural misunderstandings into valuable learning moments.
Conclusion: Wrap-Up
The world is your classroom waiting to be explored, and the role of an au pair offers an unconventional and enriching study abroad experience. By following this guide, you’re poised to not just observe another culture but actively participate in it, thereby deepening your connection and understanding of the world. What starts as a search for work often becomes an international family of shared smiles, laughter, and care, with you at its center. Embark on your au pair odyssey with confidence and curiosity, and watch as it expands your horizons beyond measure. Safe travels and good luck on your au pair adventure!